Milan Prosen
Assistant Professor
Scientific field: Art History
Subject: Art History
Teaches at the Faculty of Applied Arts since 2016.
Asst. Prof. Milan Prosen, PhD, teaches Art History at the Faculty of Applied Arts in Belgrade. His research fields are History of art, Architecture and Applied arts. He publishes articles, creates exhibitions and participates scientific conferences in Serbia and internationally.
Dr Milan Prosen (1974) lives in Belgrade (Serbia) where he graduated (2003) and defended a doctoral dissertation / PhD (2014) from the Department of Art History at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade. Author of more than 50 scientific papers, participant of national and international scientific conferences, author and co-author of exhibitions, monographies, catalogs, author of reviews and expert lectures, as well as documentaries on Serbian architecture during the interwar period. Laureat of Pavle Beljanski Memorial Collection Award for Best Work in National Art History, Defended at the Department of Art History, Faculty of Philosophy, Belgrade (2004).
Employed as Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Applied Arts, University of Art in Belgrade (since January 2016). Head of the Faculty Departement of the Social Sciences and Humanities since March 2017. Member of the Pavle Vasic Award Committee since November 2017, member of Scientific Accreditation Committee (2017), Faculty Collegium (2017) and Faculty Council (since 2018). ICOM Member 2019. President of the Organizing Committee of the First International Scientific Conference of the Faculty of Applied arts Smart Art 2019 Art and Science Applied, Belgrade 2019. Member of the Organizing Committee of the International Scientific Expert Conference Curatorial Practices and Strategies for Professional Training in Contemporary Art, (Organizer: St. Petersburg Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences, and the Fund for Contributing to the Development of Education, Science and Arts "New Art".), St. Petersburg 2019.
Scientific research and contribution of Assistant Professor Dr Milan Prosen is within the field of Architectural History and Applied Art and Design of XIX and XX Century including topics related to Historicism, Art Nouveau, Modernism, Art Deco, Academism, Social realism and Late modernism on the territory of Serbia and Ex Yugoslavia as well as further afield.
Scientific symposia and conferences:
2004. Scientific Conference "Cultural and Historical Heritage of Southeastern Serbia", Leskovac.
2005. International Scientific Conference "Nis and Byzantium", Nis.
2006. Scientific Symposium "Socrealism in Serbian Fine and Applied Art, Architecture and Design", Belgrade.
2007. Panel discussion "Belgrade Old Fair", Belgrade. (moderator)
2007. International Scientific Conference "Educational Arts, Architecture, and the Art of Russian Destruction", St. Petersburg.
2011. International Scientific Symposium "Spaces of Memory: Architecture, Heritage, Art", Belgrade. (session chair)
2015 International Scientific Conference "Actual Problems of Theory and History of Art" Lomonosov University Moscow.
2016 International Scientific Conference "Actual Problems of Theory and History of Art" State University of St. Petersburg
2016. Scientific Conference “Critical History of Visual Transformation of Belgrade Public Spaces (19th-20th Century), Center for Visual Culture of the Balkans and Department of Art History at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade. (session chair)
2019. Scientific Conference "Faculty of Fine Arts Building in Belgrade - History, Heritage, Future", Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Arts in Belgrade.
2019 SmartArt2019 International Scientific Conference, Faculty of Applied Arts, University of Arts in Belgrade (Chairman of the Organizing Committee, Chair of the session)
2019 International Scientific Conference "Architectural Institutions and Associations, Art Groups and Journals in the Kingdom of SHS / Yugoslavia (1918-1941)", Department of Art History, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade. (session chair)
2005. Contributor to the exhibition "Donators to Belgrade University", Gallery SASA, Belgrade.
2006. Author of the exhibition "Architect of Grigory Samojlov", Gallery of Science and Technology of SASA, Belgrade.
2008. Co-author of the exhibition "75 Years of the Russian House in Belgrade", Russian House, Belgrade.
2013. Co-author of the exhibition "1925 quand L'Art déco seduit le monde" Cité de architecture ed patrimoine, Paris.
2016. Associate at the exhibition "Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts 1841-2016", Gallery SASA, Belgrade.
2004. "Creating in the Shadows" documentary film about architect Grigori Ivanovich Samojlov, realization Documentary departement of Serbian Radio and Television.
2005. "Eternal Neimar" documentary on architect Jovan Bjelovic, realization Documentary departement of Serbian Radio and Television.
2012. "Ar Deco in Belgrade Architecture" expert guidance in the exhibition space Applied Arts and Belgrade 1918-1940, Museum of Applied Art in Belgrade.
2012. "Art Deco in Belgrade Culture and Architecture" professional lecture, Museum of Science and Technology.
2014. "Ar Deco in Belgrade" professional lecture, Belgrade City Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments
2015. "Development of Architecture in Belgrade in the First Half of the 20th Century - Ideas and Realization", Belgrade Architecture Bina, Children's Cultural Center.
2015 Ar Deco in the Balkans, Balkan Architecture Bienniale 2015.
2017. "Ar Deco in the Architecture of Novi Sad", Pavle Beljanski Memorial Collection, Novi Sad.
Reviews of scientific papers, catalogs and monographies:
Annual of the City of Belgrade LVIII, 2011.
Proceedings of the Matica Srpska for Fine Arts, 2013, 2017.
Architecture and urban planning, 2017.
Culture, 2017.
Nasleđe, 2018, 2019.
Slovenica, 2018.
Spatium, 2019.
S. Mihailov, Rajko M. Tatic 1900-1979, Belgrade 2013.
M. Pavlovic, Nikola Nestorovic, Belgrade 2019
Participation in the committees for the defense of scientific and artistic doctorates:
1. Doctoral Art Project by Miodrag Milutinovic Faculty of Applied Arts 2018
2. Doctoral dissertation of Slađana Žunjić, Faculty of Philosophy 2019 - President of the Commission
3. Doctoral dissertation of Biljana Mišić, Faculty of Philosophy 2019
Scientific papers and books:
1. Contribution to the research of Belgrade opus of Grigori I. Samojlov, Nasleđe III, Belgrade, 2001, 89-104. (In Serbian)
2. Palace of the Pension Fund of Officials and Servants of the National Bank, Annual of the City of Belgrade XLIX-L, Belgrade 2002-2003, 183-193. (In Serbian)
3. Regina Adanje's House in Rige od Fera Street No.6 - Lost Achievement of Architect Djordje Jankovic, Glasnik DKS 28, Serbia Conservers Society, Belgrade 2004, 152-154. (In Serbian)
4. The lost work of architect Grigory Samojlov, Villa Avzenko at 21 Maglajska Street in Belgrade, DKS Glasnik 29, Serbia Conservers Society, Belgrade 2005, 110-112. (In Serbian)
5. Grigory Samojlov, Architecture 87, Belgrade March 2005, 10-11. (In Serbian)
6. The post-war opus of architect Grigory Samojlov, DaNS 49, April 2005, 46-48. (In Serbian)
7. Book Review: Tijana Borić, Terazije - Urban and Architectural Development, DaNS 50, June 2005, 69. (In Serbian)
8. Collaboration of the architect Grigory Samojlov with the Teokarovic family, Leskovac Proceedings XLV, Leskovac 2005, 99-113. (In Serbian)
9. The tomb of the merchant Jovan Savic at the New Cemetery in Belgrade, the work of the architect Grigori Ivanovich Samojlov, Belgrade Portals No.11, August 2005, 14. (In Serbian)
10. Construction works / endowments of Belgrade University, in: Benefits of Belgrade University, catalog of exhibition SASA, October 2005 (co-authored with A.Kadijević, S.Mihajlov and T.Borić) (In Serbian)
11. About the Work of Belgrade Architect Jovan Bjelovic, Nasleđe VI, Belgrade 2005, 133-145. (In Serbian)
12. The work of architect Jovan Bjelovic in Belgrade, Uzice Proceedings 29, Uzice 2005, 241-282(In Serbian)
13. Material for the study of the works of architect Grigory I. Samojlova in the Architecture Department of the Museum of Science and Technology, Phlogiston 13, Belgrade 2005, 125-138. (In Serbian)
14. Glass Pavilion of Jevremovac Botanical Garden in Belgrade, Glasnik DKS 30, Serbia Conservers Society, Belgrade 2006, 124-127. (In Serbian)
15. Exhibition catalog of the architect Grigory Samojlov, catalog no. 24, Museum of Science and Technology, Gallery of Science and Technology SASA, Belgrade May 2006. (In Serbian)
16. Neo-Byzantine Elements in the Works of the Architect Grigory Samojlov, Proceedings of the Scientific Conference Niš and Byzantium IV, Niš 2006, 443-464. (In Serbian)
17. A Contribution to the Interpretation of Regional Construction Identity, Snezana Tosheva, Bozidar Petrovic, The House as a Footprint, Uzice Proceedings 30, Uzice 2006, 231-234. (In Serbian)
18. The emergence of social realism in the work of architect Branislav Marinkovic, paper at the symposium Socrealism in Serbian Fine and Applied Art, Architecture and Design, October 25-26, 2006, Belgrade, Museum of Applied Art (in manuscript). (In Serbian)
19. Architectural work of architect Aleksandar Djordjevic (1890-1952), Nasleđe VII, Belgrade 2006, 167-203. (In Serbian)
20. Danilo Vladisavljevic, Serbian V-G Biographical Dictionary, Matica Srpska, Novi Sad 2006, 240-241 (co-authored by M. Vukotic Lazar) (In Serbian)
21. Djordje Djordjevic, Serbian Biographical Dictionary D-Z, Matica Srpska, Novi Sad 2007, 542-543(In Serbian)
22. On Socrealism in Architecture and Its emergence in Serbia, Nasleđe VIII, Belgrade 2007, 95-118. (In Serbian)
23. Mare Janakova Grujic, Architect Dragutin Maslać (1875-1937), Nasleđe VIII, Belgrade 2007, 264-266. (In Serbian)
24. The artistic opus of the architect Grigory Ivanovich Samojlov, in Educational Consumption, Architecture and the Art of Russian Foreign Studies, St. Petersburg 2008, 385-393. (Proceedings of the International Conference on Russian Emigration in the Arts and Culture, held in St. Petersburg in September 2007) (In Russian)
25. Russian House, in: 75 Years of the Russian House in Belgrade: Russian Artists in Belgrade, Exhibition Catalog, Russian House, Belgrade May 2008, 28-30 (ISBN 978-86-911287-0-8) (In Serbian)
26. 75 Years of the Russian House in Belgrade, Nasleđe IX, Belgrade 2008, 211-220 (UDC 725.835 (497.11) YU ISSN 1450-605 X) (In Serbian)
27. Exhibition View: A View Through Space, Elements of Art Nouveau in the Architecture of the City Center of Becej, DaNS 64, Novi Sad January 2009, 65 (In Serbian)
28. View: Katarina Mitrovic, Topcider - court of Knez Milos Obrenovic, Glasnik DKS 33, Serbia Conservers Society,Belgrade 2009, 321-323. (In Serbian)
29. Pancevo Synagogue (1907-1956), in: Menora Workshop Workshop Jewish Art and Tradition, Belgrade 2009, 77-93. (In Serbian)
30. Science and Art: Collaboration of Milutin Milankovic and Grigory Samojlov, in: Creativity of Milutin Milankovic, Proceedings of the International Symposium, SASA, Belgrade 2009, 205-222. (In Serbian)
31. State Mortgage Bank Building in Valjevo - Unknown Work of the Architect Vasily von Baumgarten, Proceedings of the Museum of Applied Arts, no. 6, Belgrade 2010, 81-90. (In Serbian)
32. The building at 59 Kraljice Marije Street in Belgrade, Glasnik DKS 35, Serbia Conservers Society, Belgrade 2011, 171-174. (In Serbian)
33. Review of the exhibition "Old General Staff", Nasleđe XII, Belgrade 2011, 295-297. (In Serbian)
34. Presentation: International Scientific Symposium "Spaces of Memory: Architecture, Heritage, Art", Heritage XII, Belgrade 2011, 299-300. (In Serbian)
35. On the Architecture of Professor Dušan Tomić's Villa in Dedinje, Annual of the City of Belgrade LVIII, Belgrade 2011, 155-169. (In Serbian)
36. Presentation: Borislav Kruška, Church of the Transfiguration in Pancevo, Proceedings of the Matica Srpska for Fine Arts 40, Novi Sad 2012, 321-323. (In Serbian)
37. Russian Emigrant Architects - Architecture as Memory, in: Spaces of Memory: Spaces of Memory: collection of works. Volume 1, Architecture, (Aleksandar Kadijevic, Milan Popadic [editors]), Faculty of Philosophy, Belgrade 2013, 213-230. (In Serbian)
38. L'Art Déco en Serbie in: Group of Authors, Exhibition Catalog 1925, quand l'Art deco séduit le monde, (ed. E. Bréon, Ph. Rivoirard), Paris 2013, 198-207. (co-authored by B. Popović) (in French)
39. The work of architect Nikolai Vasilyevich Vasilyev and his Belgrade opus (May 1921 - February 1923), Nasleđe XIV, Belgrade 2013, 115-133. (co-authored by A. Jahontov) (In Serbian)
40. Palace of Privileged Agrarian Bank in Belgrade, Nasleđe XV, Belgrade 2014, 63-76. (In Serbian)
41. Review of the monography: Ambassade de France a Belgrade / Embassy of France in Belgrade, Nasleđe XV, Belgrade 2014, 213-215. (In Serbian)
42. Alpha among the palaces: Adriatic-Danube Bank, Belgrade 2015 (co-author of the monograph H. Tucić) ISBN 978-86-912749-1-7 (Serbian, English and Greek)
43. The participation of Russian Architects and Sculptors in the making of Art Deco architecture in Serbia, Book of abstracts of the scientific conference "Actual problems of theory and history of art", University of Lomonosov, Moscow 2015. (In English)
44. Proceedings of the Scientific Conference "Current Problems in Theory and History of Art", (Lomonosov University and Saint Petersburg State University), St. Petersburg 2016, 624-634. (In English)
45. Palace of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts in: Group of Authors, Exhibition Catalog, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts: 175 years: 1841-2016, SASA, Belgrade 2016, 179-181. (In Serbian)
46. The Evocation of Russian Empire Style in Serbian Architecture, Book of Abstracts of the Scientific Conference "Actual Problems of Theory and History of Art", Saint Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg 2016. (In English)
47. Palace of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts and Public Space Knez Mihailova Street, Culture No.154, Belgrade 2017, 93-107. (In Serbian)
48. Exhibition and Monographic Study Review: Aleksandar Kadijevic, Byzantine Construction as Inspiration of Serbian Neymars of Modern Times, Nasleđe XVIII, Belgrade 2017, 159-160. (In Serbian)
49. The Evocation of Russian Empire Style in Serbian Architecture, Proceedings of the Scientific Conference "Current Problems in Theory and History of Art," (Lomonosov University and St. Petersburg State University), St. Petersburg 2018, 401-410. (In English)
50. Reliefs of Sreten Stojanovic at the Ar Deco Style Reception in Serbian Architecture, Proceedings of the National Museum, XXIII / 2, Belgrade 2018, 217-243. (In Serbian)
51. Serbian Encyclopedia, Units: Jezdimir Denic, Jasna Dragovic, Vojislav Djokic. Aleksandar Djordjevic, Dragutin Djordjevic, Djordje Djordjevic (in Serbian)).
52. Book review: Marina Pavlovic, Nikola Nestorovic, Orion art, Belgrade 2017, ZLUMS 47, Matica srpska Journal for Fine Arts 47 Novi Sad 2019 ed.A.Kadijevic WoS-ESCI ERIHPLUS, 339-340. (In Serbian)
53. Exhibition overview: Modern Belgrade: the architectural heritage of the capital, Nasleđe XX, Belgrade 2019, 253-255. (In Serbian)
54. A.Kadijevic, M. Prosen, Critical regionalism in the work of architect Branislav Mitrovic, Matica srpska Journal for Fine Arts 47, Novi Sad 2019, ed.A.Kadijevic (WoS - ESCI, ERIHPLUS), 259-306. (In Serbian)