Milanka Todić


Milanka Todić

Scientific field: Art History
Subject: Art History

Teaches at the Faculty of Applied Arts since 1996.

Prof. Milanka Todić, PhD, teaches Art History at the Faculty of Applied Arts in Belgrade. Her research fields are history and theory of avant-garde art and photography. Has crated numerous exhibitions in Serbia and abroad and published books and various catalogues and articles.

She has been invited to take part in numerous international conferences held in Europe, Central America (Barbados) and Asia (Taiwan, Japan).

Artistic director of the Artget Gallery in Belgrade in 2003–2004.

She is a member of European Society for the History of Photography (ESHP), International Association of Art Critics (AICA) and European Network for Avant-Garde and Modernism Studies (EAM).


  • Milanka Todić, Krustentiere auf der Brust, Kino auf Papier im serbischen
    Surrealismus, u: Bewusste Halluzinationen der filmische Surrealismus, Filmmuseum,
    Frankfurt am Main 2014, str. 134-140.
  • Milanka Todić, Budi kao dete, slika deteta i detinjstva u vizuelnoj kulturi ,u: Istorija  
    umetnosti u Srbiji XX veka, T. III, Orion art, Beograd 2014, str. 121- 133.
  • Milanka Todić,  The History of  Serbian Photography 1900-1939, in The History of 
    European Photography 1900-1939, I, II, ed. V. Macek, Central European House of
    Photography, FOTOFO, Bratislava 2011, 555-571.
  • Milanka Todić, La bille explosive, l'objet et la photographie dans le surréalisme 
    serbe,  Mélusine, Surrealistes Serbe, No. 30,  Cahiers du Centre de recherche sur le 
    surrealism, L’Age d’Homme, Paris 2010