Zdravko Mićanović


Zdravko Mićanović
Associate professor

Art field: Graphic design
Subject: Poster

Subject: Poster (Bachelor studies) Poster (Master studies)

Employed by the Faculty of Applied Arts since 2004.

Graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in 1977 (Sarajevo), Painting Department.

MA 1998, Faculty of Applied Arts, graphic design – posters.

Assistant Professor at Graphic Design from 2004. In 2011 elected Associate Professor.

The activities and areas of interest: graphic design – poster, drawing as an art discipline, applied graphics (illustrations, caricature, comics).

20 solo exhibitions in the following fields: graphic design-posters, illustrations, comics and visual art as an independent discipline (Belgrade, Novi Sad, Subotica, Ljubljana, Rijeka, Krk, Brac, Tuzla, Brcko)

Participated in meetings on graphic design and advertising, and gave several lectures in those fields (Institut, Cervantes, Petnica, Youth Center Pancevo, Festival of poetry for children, »Bulka« Crvenka).

Member of a jury at the international exhibition »Golden Smile«, 2010.

Member of the Art Council of the » Golden Pen « in session 2011/12.

Professional cooperation with institutions: the National Museum, Belgrade; Belgrade National Theatre; the Institute for textbooks and teaching funds; Serbian Literary Association; the event »Theatre Meetings«, Brcko.

Significant awards:

  • Annual Award for Saatchi & Saatchi visual identity of the 1992
  • Design Award, May Exhibition ULPUDS, 1995
  • Award of packaging Museum of Applied Arts and award ULUPUDS, October Salon 1995
  • Award for the catalog at the annual meetings of PR - Belgrade 2003.
  • Two awards for the poster for 21st Meeting of theaters Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brcko, 2004
  • Several awards for calendars at the Yugoslav exhibition of calendars, Novi Sad
  • Two awards for the illustration at the Yugoslav exhibitions Jugodidakta
  • (1988 and 1990, Sarajevo)
  • First prize for the portrait at the accompanying exhibition »Golden Smile – Belgrade 2008«































Poster for the theather play »Miracle in Shargan«, 1990

Poster for 17th Meeting of theaters, Brcko, 2010


Poster: 6. International Archaeological Film festival, National Museum in Belgrade, 2005

Poster: Biennial International Festival of portraits, drawings and prints INTERBIFEP, Tuzla, 2004.