Entrance exam
Requirement for admission to academic PhD  studies
at the Faculty of Applied Arts in Belgrade


The prerequisites for applying for admission to academic PhD study program Applied Arts and Design are:

  • completed academic undergraduate and master studies in the relevant art field (Applied and Visual Arts, Design, Architecture and Conservation and Restoration), i.e. acquired 300 ECTS credits, with the average grade of 8,5 and grade 9 awarded for the final exam, or  
  • completed academic undergraduate studies in the relevant art field (Applied and Visual Arts, Design, Architecture and Conservation and Restoration), according to the regulations that were applicable before the Law on Higher Education came in force, with the average grade of 8,5 and grade 9 in artistic subject in the final year of studies, or
  • academic degree of Magister Artium in the relevant art field (Applied and Visual Arts, Design, Architecture and Conservation and Restoration).

Candidates who did not complete previous academic levels in the relevant art field can enroll in PhD studies based on the relevant references and works in the narrow artistic field for which they apply.

Candidates who apply for admission to academic PhD studies must submit the following documents:

  • application form,
  • curriculum vitae,
  • notarized photocopies of diplomas or certificates of previously completed levels of academic studies;
  • certificate of average grade achieved during the completed academic studies and the average grade achieved in artistic or scientific subjects during the last year of studies;
  • portfolio for study program of applied arts with candidate’s independent works and a list of published independent works, or list of published scientific papers for the study program History and Theory of Applied Arts;
  • proof of proficiency in at least one world language (English, German,  French, Italian, Spanish and Russian) – certificate of passed exam during the course of studies or certificate of proficiency for level B2 ;
  • motivational letter (maximum 3.200 characters) in which the candidates present the planned artistic-research project, or scientific-research paper; candidates can nominate their mentors;
  • proof of payment of admission application fee.

Selection of candidates for admission to academic PhD studies is conducted by the Committee appointed by the Council of PhD studies. The candidates must verbally present their planned artistic-research project, or scientific-research paper in front of the Committee.

Candidates gain points based on the following criteria:

  • success in previous education (maximum 30 points);
  • justifiability of the art project, or scientific paper (maximum 30 points);
  • presentation, lasting not more than 15 minutes (argumentation, expression, motivation and orientation, maximum 20 points);
  • evaluation of art work, or knowledge in the specific scientific field (maximum 20 points).

During May and June the interested candidates may consult with potential mentors at the Faculty premises, during working hours when the teachers are at the Faculty, according to their class schedule, posted on the Faculty’s web site.

Foreign citizens who apply for admission to academic PhD studies must fulfill the same requirements as the citizens of the Republic of Serbia.  When applying for admission they must submit the Decision of the University on recognition of foreign university degree and the proof of the number of the acquired ECTS credits.

When applying for admission to academic PhD studies the candidate – foreign citizen must submit proof of health insurance coverage for the duration of the school year, proof of proficiency in Serbian language and proof of tuition fee payment.