Entrance exam
Requirement for admission to academic undergraduate studies
at the Faculty of Applied Arts in Belgrade

The right to apply for admission to the first year of basic academic studies have candidates who have acquired secondary education at four-year duration.

Candidates who have not completed secondary education at four-year lay additional examination.

Supplementary exams can access the candidates who had previously completed three years of high school or secondary school in the three-year period.

For additional examination verifies the candidate's knowledge of the subject:

  • Serbian language and literature
  • Philosophy
  • History of art
  • Foreign language.

The exam is taken in full accordance with the program of art schools for secondary education in the fourth grade.

All candidates applying for the competition for admission to the first year of basic academic studies take a special test to check the aptitude for study at this faculty.

Aptitude test shall be taken in the field of drawing, painting and modeling and field narrower profession for which the candidate is applying.

Exam for the aptitude test takes four (4) or six (6) days. Every day the candidates are employed by four (4) hours on the test tasks according to the following program:

  • Applied arts

  • Design

  • Conservation and restoration
