About the Faculty


Faculty of Applied Arts (FAA) at the University of Arts in Belgrade was founded over six decades ago as the first higher education institution in the field of Applied Arts. With its high professional standards FAA paved the way for the establishment of other higher education institutions in the region and provided them with the standard they can measure against. 

Following the program and the principles of the Bauhaus art school, the school of Applied Arts in Belgrade was founded in 1938, and it later evolved into the Academy of Applied Arts in 1948,
which was renamed Faculty of Applied Arts in 1973. (More about the history of the Faculty of Applied Arts)

Today the Faculty of Applied Arts is an artistic-scientific establishment with a clearly defined profile and orientation, where the essential segment of artistic exploration is accompanied by a theoretical basis. It should be emphasized that the FAA has found its place in the spheres of cultural, economic and industrial development of our society, having acknowledged the contemporary developments in Art, especially in the field of Applied Arts and Design, while establishing an ever expanding international correspondence.

The study programs offered by the Faculty of Applied Arts are mostly in the educational-artistic fields of Art, Applied Art and Design and they are realized as:

The Faculty of Applied Arts educates experts in different artistic skills and art disciplines in the field of Applied Art and Design and the following narrow artistic fields: Printmaking, Graphics and Book design, Animation, Photography, Graphic design, Interior and furniture design, Industrial design, Textile, Applied sculpting, Applied painting, Ceramics, Stage Costume, Fashion Design, Stage Design and Conservation and restauration.

The Faculty is divided into ten specialized departments

Students who completed the degree at the Faculty of Applied Arts by achieving the curriculum goals and defending the thesis – if required by the curriculum, may acquire the relevant qualifications for professional practice in the field of Applied Arts, Design or Conservation and Restoration.

The Faculty of Applied Arts organizes undergraduate academic, master academic and PhD academic studies. The number of the admitted students is determined in accordance with the applicable standards. A total of 721 students were enrolled in the school year of 2013/2014. In the same school year, the Faculty enrolled the first generation of students in the PhD academic degree program in the accredited study program Applied Arts and Design (a total of 30 students).

FAA  has a total of 96 permanently employed teachers and associates, and 22 teachers from other higher education institutions engaged under a contract of engagement.

In Undergraduate academic studies and Master academic studies the classes are being held in five Faculty facilities, located in different parts of the City. The total gross floor area of 8931 m2 provides plenty of space for all student activities, in accordance with the relevant standards.

Due to their nature, the studies at the Faculty of Applied Arts imply mentoring work. Teachers systematically monitor the work and success of the students during their studies, and  also provide necessary assistance and support in overcoming other problems. Teachers continually monitor the students’ success in mastering the curriculum, which involves regular attendance at lectures, exercises, workshops, colloquiums, seminars and the like.

Upon completion of Undergraduate academic studies, with 240 ECTS a student acquires a professional title in the field of Applied Art and Design with the indication of the title of the first degree of academic studies. Upon completion of Master academic studies with 60 ECTS credits a student  acquires a professional title in the field of Applied Arts and Design, with the indication of the title of the second degree of academic studies. Upon completion of Doctoral, or academic studies of the third degree, with 180 ECTS credits, a student acquires the academic title of Doctor of Arts – Applied Art and Design, in the field of Applied Art and Design.