Study program
Applied Arts and Design
Doctoral Studies at the Faculty of Applied Arts


Doctoral art studies are designed as a teaching and research process in which great attention is paid to the theoretical knowledge and application of the newly acquired theoretical knowledge in artistic practice. The result of three years of study, along with the required theoretical work associated with the topic of the selected art project, is a work of art that improves the achievements in the field of Art, especially in the field of Applied Arts and Design.

After successfully presenting and defending the PhD thesis before a Committee, a candidate is awarded with the title PhD of Arts – Applied Art and Design. This title provides competence for artistic research and pedagogical work in education, at the university and in cultural institutions.

The duration of the Doctoral studies in the field of Applied Art and Design is three academic years (six semesters). Minimum number of points that can be accumulated is 180 ECTS, with at least 300 ECTS points previously earned during undergraduate and graduate academic studies.

Structure of the study program Applied Arts and Design
Courses of the study program Applied Arts and Design
Mentorship on the study program Applied Arts and Design

In the field of Applied Arts and Design, doctoral studies include the following specialized artistic fields: Applied Graphics, Graphics and Book Design, Animation, Photography, Graphic Design, Interior Design and Furniture, Industrial Design, Textile Design, Applied sculpture, Applied painting, Ceramics, Stage Costume, Fashion Design, Scenography, Conservation and Restauration.

The objective of the study program of doctoral studies in the field of Applied Arts and Design is for the students to achieve the highest level of education. The content of the curriculum enables the students to acquire the best qualifications in this field.

Doctoral art project combines the knowledge and skills acquired on all levels of artistic studies,
especially those acquired during the first three semesters of the doctoral studies, as well as the experience of personal artistic practice. Originality, innovation and personal artistic contribution are essential features of artistic work.

The written part of the dissertation articulates the theoretical and scientific dimensions of artistic work and critical positioning of the personal artwork in the historical, theoretical and contemporary context. The thesis should also present a contribution to the literature in the specialized field of Art to which the final artistic work belongs to, which will benefit  both students and professionals.

The purpose of doctoral studies in the field of Applied Art and Design is development of educated artists of the highest professional level capable to design, shape and materialize an original art project, as well as to articulate, present and explain it. They are trained to independently continue the process of personal artistic development, as well as to participate in the education of other artists from the same or a related field.